Well, I’m happy to report we did it all over again. For a second time we nailed it, finis’d it, slammed it, etc., dialing in a second standout Higher Haven Sunday. Once again the ageless, ancient endeavors of Yoga, Meditation and Ceremony came together in a powerfully and magically fuse, creating an intimate group of new tribal members of The Higher Haven Retreat Center. Many thanks to Adrienne, Caitlin, Ericka, Jaron, Luke, Nikki, Matu, and our other new relatives who spent the day deep in both nature and spiritual practice (thanks also to Maya and Shiah, young reps. of future generations who discovered the two best hammock-hanging trees on the property). There’s just something about being seated together in the dark earth-womb of a traditional Lodge that rebirths us like no other healing modality. The drumming, singing and sweet herbal scents combine to peal away heartache and traumas just as they empower folks to confront fears and unconscious resistances, bringing people to a collective new place in a truly beautiful way.
A very special thanks goes out to Alicia Dawn Smith of Kalamazoo’s Infinite Bliss and Bodywork, who kicked off the day in a mighty way, leading us in a lovely hour- long flow to the soothing sounds of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. “During my yoga classes, I will guide you through things that have worked for me in the past to find freedom, inner peace, and transcendental bliss,” she tells us. “I accentuate the spiritual” (and she does). “If you’re looking for a sweet ride that aims to unite your mind, body and spirit, I am your girl. I love this stuff. I use it daily. It is deep. It is physical. And still, it is beyond physical.” True. A deep bow to Alicia D. for helping us all polish up our amazing, brilliant true natures. Someone once described her work as a loving invitation to come back to balance. A loving invitation to come back to balance. And it was.
We’ll continue bringing together groups of like-minded, like-hearted practitioners in the spirit of modern Tribalism. Do you know why so many people harken to the tribal in our day and age? With the very fabric of our reality fraying, as the culture and institutions of the modern world decline, our society will continue looking to and embracing the organizational principles of the distant past for guidance. Modern tribalism is a sociological concept which postulates that human beings have evolved to live in tribal society, as opposed to mass society, and thus will naturally form social networks constituting new “Tribes”. A tribe draws on collective strength and individual gifts in order to survive and thrive. Given the potential collapse of modern civilization, we’re rediscovering the power and spirit of Matakuye O’yasin, as we ARE all related, sharing a common ancestry, as well as the hope for a recreated culture and authentic leadership. A large, loving family sharing interests and healthy habits, all in a serious bid to raise the vibratory awareness of all of humanity. Won’t you join us?
It’s exciting and we’re certainly excited to do it again all Summer and Fall, with Higher Haven Sunday #3 scheduled for July 17th at 11 a.m., lead by Teresa Van Eyk of Saugatuck’s Satya Yoga. Adrienne White of Karma Yoga Fest fame will also be kicking us off and leading us in asana practice on Sunday morning July 31st. If you’d like to know more, message me for details. Looking forward to seeing you and being in Ceremony together. Aho Wakan Takan kici un. May Creator, the Great Grandfather Spirit bless you and keep you until then. Toksha.