Everyone everywhere desires healing as well as the internal skill set associated with a regular sitting practice. But not everyone has the ability to attend a retreat weekend. That’s why personal visits to The Higher Haven coupled with private lessons are sometimes the best route for learning, application and deep relaxation. Charlie and his daughter Natalia coupled a two-day stay in our Southwest Michigan retreat house with our Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class and some private lessons, and beyond “This is Awesome!”, also had this to say regarding their visit ~
“My daughter and I attended Paul's Meditation 101 class recently. I'm glad I stumbled across The Higher Haven as it was about 3 hours from us and out of the area. I was looking in for meditation retreats, etc. and we are both very new to meditation. The class was not just practicing a few meditations but was a very good overview of history and applications along with actual meditation practice. We actually made a weekend out of it and had a private lesson the second day just to get some more practice in and reinforce the newfound habit I'm working on.
Paul was kind enough to offer us a room and use of his renovated farm house on the property; I lost track of how many times my daughter said, ‘This is awesome!’ and I agree completely. She even enjoyed the meditation, with her being a teenager I was a bit worried about that. The property was perfect, I think the only sound we heard was one tractor the whole weekend, other than that just absolute silence and very relaxing. We did manage to check out South Haven which is a short drive, it's just a beautiful area. Neither of us wanted to go home, so I think next time we're going to have to make it a longer trip. Paul made our stay there just awesome, I feel lucky to have met him and look forward to next time.”
Per Charlie and Natalia’s experience, with the right guidance and a bit of practice, meditation quickly goes from a seemingly ethereal, subjective pursuit to a regular, empowering endeavor that enhances all areas of a practitioner's life. As my own teacher Shinzen Young reflects, “Sigmund Freud said that with the right therapy, a patient can transform neurotic misery into common unhappiness. But with meditation, ordinary sorrow can be converted into extraordinary states of happiness.” True! To learn more about how a private visit or personal Ceremony could help you make a new beginning, be the impetus for great change, or raise your practice to the next level, simply e-mail us at higherhaven@gmail.com.
Here’s what some of our other recent visitors and practitioners have to say about how making a commitment to one-on-one sessions behooved their practice as well as their personal lives:
“After recently completing six individual sessions with Paul, words cannot sufficiently convey the benefits of this practice. I have found Paul to be a wonderful teacher, with great compassion and skill. He is able to guide his students to understand that real happiness comes only from within. I would never have imagined that this ancient practice could be so meaningful in our chaotic world. Meditation will be a part of my life, for the rest of my life. Imagine if we all were as fortunate to learn this craft.”
“Paul’s insights and experience were instrumental as I worked to find a spiritual anchor to calm the everyday chaos. The Lake Michigan beach walking meditation was definitely my favorite meditation experience and was the most centered I have felt in a long time. I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to my hour a week of being present with Paul.”
“After my first, one-hour consultation with Paul, I noticed immediate improvements with my meditative practice. Paul is a knowledgeable, kind and helpful teacher. The Higher Haven is nestled in a tranquil forest that makes for a great weekend getaway. I’ll be coming back.”