Autumn is upon us, Fall arriving in full force, the golden season, the time of death and renewal, the time to let shadow lengthen on the sundials as the poet Reiner Maria Rilke wrote, and in the pastures let the rough winds fly. It’s also a fabulous time to visit The Higher Haven, to experience the beauty of the transforming landscape, coupled with a practice that allows one to be touched by tranquility and nature in a deep, equally transformative way. It’s also the best time of the year for Ceremony, and, as it turns out this year, private visits. We’re happy to report that due to demand, we’ll be offering a special Nurture Positivity Weekend Retreat just prior to the hectic Holiday season, the weekend of November 20th. This will be a special offering with overnight accommodations available as well as additional techniques and teachings coupled with our Saturday November 20th Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class that was previously scheduled. We’ll be offering our monthly Ceremonial Weekend Overnight through December, and posting new 2022 retreats soon.

Until then, we do have limited spots for private lessons and visits through the end of the year. Here’s Summerlyn on her recent experience; “I can't express enough gratitude to Paul and The Higher Haven. Traveling a spiritual path can be tiresome and lonely at times. I found myself exhausted and in need of understanding and compassion. I booked a one-on-one session with Paul. He is a very compassionate listener who understood me and was able to provide me with a space to unravel, as well as a clarity to move forward. It was after our one-on-one one that I decided to participate in Ceremony. It was here that I remembered that as we move into trials and tribulations, that ancient truths were left to the world’s indigenous people for protection until it was needed. Now is the time to honor and remember who we really are. Ceremony also connected me to others that have a similar mindset. Finding others to take a stand with is always amazing for we are stronger when we stand together. I will always remember and cherish the love I found at Higher Haven. Thank you to Paul and The Higher Haven Community - an amazing group of people.” An ever-evolving and expanding group and one we hope you’ll be joining soon.