Happy Belated at this post’s point, but a day in The D had me realizing that my Father Sarkes would be celebrating his 91st Birthday on Wednesday of this week. As you may see from the stone, he came into the world on November 20th, 1928, and departed May 7th, 2006. He was 100% Armenian, spoke the language fluently, and was a veteran of The Korean War, hence the flag. A sunny, warm afternoon after some intense, early winter Midwest storms had me visiting and enjoying lunch out at my Dad’s site. Sam as he was known to the business world enjoyed Chipotle, the maker of Mission-style burritos, I think in part because of his love for their Barbacoa Burritos as well as Chipotle Mexican Grill Incorporated stock. I leave food out for Spirits, understanding the ancestors appreciate the gesture and acknowledgment, and in their ways, reciprocate. Without bodies needing sustenance, they still recall their time in the material world and find the essence of food and offerings pleasing.

I sent this pic to my sister Debbie, who informed me a Mass was being held in our Father’s honor yesterday at 9 a.m. She passed over an excerpt from the Bible read at the funeral of my Father’s Mother, Emily Tootalian, my Armenian Grandmother, on October 26th, 1994. Psalm 90 - Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Death. “I will extol Thee O Lord. for Thou hast lifted me up. And has not let my enemies rejoice over me. O Lord my God, I cried to Thee for Help, and Thou didst Heal me.” Truth. One thing for certain about being on the Spiritual Path is that your relationships are grounds for incredible growth. Reflecting on the challenges of being my Father’s son, I realize now how I’m coming to terms with a situation that called me to rise up and wrestle with Life, meeting that test with every ounce of courage I could muster. And ultimately how Good it was for me.

Once you begin taking possession of the keys to the locks on the invisible chains of the material world, things get… kinda funny in a synchronous way. Just as I bid Sarkes adieu and hopped in my truck, I recalled how, in his sixties, Sark developed a love for Jimmy Buffet. S. Sam, of all people, and I hope all his cronies know this - actually became an old Parrot Head, the commonly used nickname for fans of the singer, and as far as I know attended more than one show. Apparently, that’d make me a Parakeet or ‘Keet, the moniker for younger fans or children of Parrotheads. I found this all so funny, I tuned in to channel 24 on Sirius Satellite radio, The Margaritaville station, hearing the song Fruitcakes for the first time, Buffet having a ball singing of all of humanity’s imperfections: “The cosmic bakers took us out of the oven a little too early”. When I heard the verse below, referencing religion and human fallibility, I found it all hilarious and so Heyoka, I cracked up all the way Home. God Bless my Dad’s Spirit~ Happy Birthday Sark.

“Religion! Religion! Oh, there’s a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Here we go now. Alright, Altar boys - Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa.

Where’s the church, who took the steeple?
Religion’s in the hands of some crazy-ass people.
Television preachers with bad hair and dimples,
The God’s honest truth is, it’s not that simple.
It’s the Buddhist in you, it’s the Pagan in me,
It’s the Muslim in him, she’s Catholic ain’t she?
It’s the born-again look, it’s the WASP and the Jew,
Tell me what’s goin on, man I ain’t got a Clue.”