Happy New Year All! We hope the end of a challenging 2020 and beginning of 2021 finds you well and encouraged. We’re taking part in a virtual meditation retreat this week with my teacher Shinzen Young and had a chance to spend some time out West over the Holidays. Above is my dog RoZie contemplating the gypsum dunes and wide open skyline of White Sands National Park in southern New Mexico. During our Winter Break this month, we’ll be posting a weekly travelogue, and looking forward to finally finding the time to tell stories like RoZie’s, on how a Vizsla became our trusted “Haver” this year — Hungarian for buddy, pal or crony. We’ll also be back in February for Spring and Summer Retreat Planning, private lessons and individual visits, and look forward to kicking off the 2021 Year of Healing and Health with our Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend February 26th-28th. Look for The Return of The Blue Herons, yoga weekends, the full Ceremonial weekend overnight schedule and other Spring offerings later this month. Until then, stay well. And grateful for the gift of Life!