“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

It’s harvest time here at The Higher Haven, as well as all across the Southwest Michigan countryside. While giant rigs that make up the farming army unit above comb the land and distant tractors echo, cleaning up what’s left of our neighboring cucumber field, we’re embracing the stillness that comes along with the changing light and season. The tranquility was palpable after several days of meditation practice in silence at our Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreat (NSMR) Weekend. And the immediate feedback was extremely encouraging, as folks reported enjoying the facilitation of “a beautiful retreat in a beautiful space,” per the insight and response of a deeply satiated attendee. “For my part, I reached my goal of routine disruption and settling back into the depths of meditation. The space you have created is wonderful in so may ways. The food was excellent, the company good, the meditation deep.” Aho and Amen.

We’ll only be going deeper and into more alert relaxation as the farming days turn colder, with the Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend already in the works for the weekend of Friday, February 18th-20th, 2022, and soon open for registration. In the meantime there are several standout offerings for all the people inquiring about October Retreats, including a sacred song and drumming making workshop Saturday October 16th, as well as our highest-caliber offering, this Fall’s Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat Weekend with Master Teacher John Ashbrook the weekend of October 22nd-24th, with articles on John and drum maker Rikk Manning soon to post, so stay connected. And regarding your own visit, remember the inimitable words of Mr. Harvest himself, Uncle Neil Young: “There comes a time when you’re driftin’, comes a time when you settle down, comes a life, feelings liftin’, lift that baby right up off the ground… Whoah oh this whole world keeps spinnin’ round it’s a wonder tall trees ain’t layin’ down, there comes a time…”