Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Alright

Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Alright

I didn’t anticipate posting on this recent event however, when I reflect on the Light Behind everyone one of these Oyates (people), their insides beaming out, they’re willingness to do what it takes to not just say Namaste but actually exude it, I’m inspired to share. The reason we’re clearly feelin’ this Way is because of The Way - The Way of The Contrary Workshop we all circled up for at Yoga Life studio in St. Joseph, Michigan on Friday night. Here’s how it works: we formed a mini-power community, we called on The Powers That Be, we engaged with a very effective mindfulness technique, and we experienced a taste of purification. That had us going heading home a couple hours later a little lighter, a little happier, and a little more empowered to face the next thing life throws our way. Folks can speak of Oneness all day long, but until you have a direct experience of the peace that passes understanding, it’s all talk. Self-talk. Maya, illusion, hungry ghosting, attachment, neurosis, anxiety, depression, etc. Every single Spiritual Path on our planet has a word for it: what the Christians call The Prayer of Quiet or Recollection, the Taoist’s call Showee, the Buddhists Samadhi, Islam Dhikr, Judaism Kavanah (“intention, sincere feeling, direction of the heart”), and those good old red-blooded Native warriors from the Badlands USA - Wicozani – The Inner Life, the Good Life. 

Editing this picture, I found it funny that it kinda says it all:  Auto? Pretty Much. Brilliance? Clearly. Highlights? There were. Shadows? Eh, some as there always are. Brightness? Vibrance? Warmth? Sharpness and Noise Reduction? Check. This Workshop is going on the road in 2020, as I believe I’ll be back at Yoga Life in March for an Equinox Event we’re working up — and when I say we I mean Yoga Life’s Queen Bee Brooke Margherone, friend, founder and leader of a standout yoga community and fellow force of nature. And then the hope is to expand the Spring Tour with dates in Chicago, Detroit, South Bend and St. Louis. If you’re a studio, company, or any organization that has members, clients, or employees — basically human beings — who would like to learn how to take possession of their lives in a new way, all in order to achieve a deeper sense of health, happiness and fulfillment, by all means, please be in touch. From there the broad highway circles back around to The Higher Haven for all of those wishing for an even richer, deeper Taste. Until then, Peace (Shalom, Salam, Hòa Bìhn).