We turned things around this past weekend at our monthly Way of The Contrary Ceremonial overnight. What sort of “things” and how does that work exactly? You’d have to have a direct experience to understand fully. But it’s basically a way of taking elements of the earth and nature — including the human participants — and arranging them in a sacred way to get beneath the surface of life. In the process, we experience a purification of the Spirit that gives us insights into living and grants us new life vitality. You can see it in the four beautiful faces above — one four each of the Four Directions — JJ to the West (Wiyokpiyata) Shelley to the North (Waziyata) Kimberly to the East (Wioheumpata) & Ashley to the South (Itokaga).

“The retreat was a beautiful, healing experience,” Shelley reported. “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” Kimberly replied. “I love the experience I met here — thank you for creating this for us!” Ashley “felt safe enough to share (her) story with our tribe” and for that she was grateful. “I would highly recommend The Way of The Contrary Workshop. Thank you for helping me learn how to be porous when I'm used to being the rock!” Learning to open up and turn towards our difficulties in order to transcend them rather than shut down and turn away takes time and effort. A deep bow and sincere thanks go out to each of these lovely ladies for their kinds words as well as their courage in that quest. And of course we'll be doing it again next month as we do every month, with all sign up information always available on our Retreats/Calendar Page.

In the meantime, consider joining us this Saturday for The Morel Mushroom Mystery Tour with Anthony Michael Blowers, with registration still open, and rumors that Morel-Ramp-Fiddlehead pizza, Morel-Ramp Goat Cheese, and pickled pheasant backs will be served, with Blue Spruce Tip Ice Cream for dessert. Serious, seriously foraged yummm. Hoping to see you! Toksha