The reds, yellows and L’orange of The Higher Haven’s wooded backyard backwoods trails make Fall the season of the Soul.

The reds, yellows and L’orange of The Higher Haven’s wooded backyard backwoods trails make Fall the season of the Soul.

“Although I was born in April”, said Peggy Horton in Stop The World and Get Off, “I’m quite certain I was not fully awake until October.” We know the feeling, and believe it similarly shared by attendees of this weekend’s Fall Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat. Yoga practice, meditation instruction, healthy farm to table meals, an ancient healing purification ritual and extended time exploring nature were all a part of the agenda, with a focus on relaxation, rejuvenation and renewal. Kelly Girl Kelly came through and helped lead us in healing and restorative yoga practices, with extended nurturing in a lovely Sunday morning Yin class. And Wild Heart Guide J. Scott Campbell was on hand to lead us in a Forest Therapy Walk, a Sunday afternoon slowdown where we were we invited to take part in some very simple, very original sensory connectivity activities that had us adopting nature’s pace and relating to ourselves, others, and the outer world in new and inspired ways. 

 Forest Therapy is actually the research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-yoku, translating to "forest bathing”. Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for stabilizing and improving mood and mental cognition. And the walk participants can attest to the energy of the child-like, wildly-creative-adventure-vibe inspired during the shared session. “The forest is the therapist,” said Amos Clifford, one of the leading voices for Shinrin-Yoku-inspired Forest Therapy in the United States. “The guide opens the doors.” That said, we’re fortunate to have a backwoods best with Scott’s intuitive guidance, training drawing on the latest medical research, new developments in the field of nature connection, and ancient traditions of mindfulness and wellness promotion, felt deeply by all present.

 If you’re feeling it (or hoping to) and want to come out and experience the warm embrace & crisp connectivity of this Fall’s retreat season, check out our upcoming Pre-Holiday Female Empowerment Weekend with Henry Winia November 15th-17th or one of our monthly Ceremonial overnights, next up Nov. 9th-10th & Dec. 15th-16th. Toksha Matakuye O’yasin