Xin Loi - We are sorry - but even as we post this, this workshop is Sold Out. It’s funny too, because my good friend Bex of Becky Ankeny Design, the artistic force behind our natty foraging flyers, was curious as to our capacity. “Unlimited!” was my text back. “We ‘Cap it’ (Mushroom emoji) at 723”. She laughed, replying, that’d be quite a site, over 700 folk walking through the woods. But if you’ve been a part of Anthony’s small army, it is a cool site to take in and experience. For those who will join us we look forward to seeing you, and know that we do limit attendance only because of Anthony’s care for the people, creating a more intimate focus. And while nature does provide, the wild snacks are so good, they’re on the rare, highly sought after side. We’ll give a full report from the woods + kitchen post weekend forage, with some exciting announcements for New, New (in the spirit of Minglewood Blues) Fall Musical Workshops next week.