“I will not lose my Faith, It's an inside job today … searching hope pursuing the greater way… for All… Human Light.”

“I will not lose my Faith, It's an inside job today … searching hope pursuing the greater way… for All… Human Light.”

Holy Moly. The pandemic that I refused to react to fearfully and perhaps appeared slightly cavalier about in my former post is clearly accelerating at a frightening clip, beyond politics, beyond fake news, beyond mine or anyone’s personal take or agenda. Our whole world could use a huge dose of Kava Kava root right now. The TV stays off for months around here, except for maybe an occasional movie, The World Series or Westworld, a show I like but don’t understand for the life of me. I see now the series is based on a 1973 film by Michael Crichton and so hello more Netflix, Westworld’s sinister eeriness looking almost nice and normal compared to our current increasingly creepy earthly domain.

 I do spend some time online of course and buy several newspapers daily to keep abreast of the happenings; that way, there’s no onslaught of information, as I take it all in piecemeal and at my own relaxed pace. With that, here is some helpful information from The Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization. And I’m Happy to report that our current plan to simply invite students and clients of the Higher Haven over individually, as couples or in small groups, is working well, as you can read for yourself below. Michigan’s lockdown is officially in place until April 13th, so with that in mind, we’ll keep an eye towards classes in the second half of next month and hopefully early May. If the Big Pause continues a little longer, we’ll remember Tolstoy’s quote from War and Peace: “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”

 Thank Heaven for the life of the Spirit, as I firmly uphold the belief that vis-à-vis the individual and collective human psyche, fear and erroneous beliefs that rule our world, this points us all precisely toward where we need to look: Within. “For where the truth lives and thrives,” per my Teacher John Ashbrook, “there can be no resistance, no misery, no suffering, no pain, and no evil, only endless spiritual growth, love and divine fulfillment.” I’m hoping to visit with John as soon as the (Lake Michigan) coast clears, and will have more positive insight for you all. My stoke is also high for Shinzen’s first online/Zoom retreat next week, with tons of sitting, sharpened tools for inner development, and talks on the dharma, the principle or law that orders our universe, and is so primordial and reliable, it cannot be disordered. 

 Until then, Here’s TK on his recent solo visit, who is well on his Way and determined to take others with him: “Last week I met with Paul at The Higher Haven, drawn to the prospect of a meditative technique that could help nurture positivity within me, especially at this difficult time. Following the simple directives, I felt super energized afterward, almost like a jolt of positive energy, struck by a lightning bolt of power and of peace. I was eager to try it on my own, starting the day on a positive note, and it felt so good, Saturday turned into a great day. I felt reenergized, like I was granted a reboot of my mind, body and spirit.

The more I engage with these ancient practices, the better I feel. It’s not like the faux dopamine boost you get inhaling fast food or craving another text or ‘Like’ on social media. It feels more like getting down to some buried root, and in doing so I feel I’m tending to a garden where meaning, balance and happiness grows. And not only for myself, but for my friends and family. I’m in touch with a lot of people struggling, potentially out of jobs, with huge holes blown into the side of their once thriving businesses. The practice almost instantaneously flows over to others, something encouraging and affirmativeI can help spread in the face of all the current craziness. It’s a spiritual uplift I can’t get anywhere out there, as it’s all in here, and that’s why I return to it again and again and again.” - TK