Boy, I’ve been carrying that weight, carrying that weight for what feels like a long time behind the scenes at The Higher Haven, just as The Beatles predicted. I lost an Aunt I sincerely loved in June, and it was a successful but challenging Spring. That said, I found my footing this past weekend, got in the moment, and made a firm decision to go ahead and teach Saturday’s class, thinking doing so might cheer me up a bit. And I’m happy to say that it did, with Angela and Blake above spending the afternoon, and concluding the day with a walk down to our dock along the edge of the Black River. I know we had many folks wanting to stay the weekend, and so we’ll be offering this class again in July, amending the name to Meditation + Mindfulness 1101 given its killer healing content, and will definitely offer overnight accommodations that weekend for mid-summer night dreaming. The latter half of July is in fact being left wide-open for scheduling individual visits and private stays, and so we look forward to seeing you all and walking our bit of wilderness, as well as sitting together in stillness, in our ongoing pursuit of liberty.

Here’s Angela take on Saturday’s class: “Many people are alive but don’t touch the Miracle of Being Alive.” -Thich That Hanh. “Blake and I had a miraculous afternoon with Paul Tootalian, an awe-inspiring and extraordinary Healer who showed us how to sit in stillness without resistance. The day was magic. We learned various methods of practicing mindfulness and dove deep into why meditation is so empowering, transformative, and healing. Life is certainly full of inescapable emotional and physical pain, but we can reduce our suffering and ease our burdens with this expansive practice. My favorite part of the day was when Paul got out his drum and belted out his powerful Native American songs. Every cell my body felt this vibrational medicine — it was a surreal and divine experience. This workshop expanded my knowledge of the ancient culture of the Americas and love for the wise, enlightened Native people. I’m really looking forward to attending one of Paul’s Ceremonial Healings.

I encourage you to check out The Higher Haven. He offers a variety of amazing spiritual retreats and Ceremonies. The property is a serene sanctuary nestled away from all the hustle and bustle. I promise that you will love your encounter with Paul. My heart is so grateful that we were led to experience this.” (Ours, too!)