What’s this latest happening? After going back in time, thundering over the steppes of The Great American Plains in previous posts, recalling some of the Ceremonial training and teachings behind The Higher Haven, we dove deep into our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat (NSMR) this past weekend. This retreat combines our monthly Meditation & Mindfulness 101 class with practice periods of sitting and walking meditation, free time to relax, read, write or walk about, a bit of Yin Yoga (per our group’s childs’ pose above), and an overall refraining from speech. After only a day or two of fostering stillness, the tranquility becomes tangible, deeply touching us all. “The Higher Haven Noble Silence Retreat is a restorative experience unlike any other I've experienced,” said Tracy. “The gentle, mindful, honest approach Paul takes to teaching technique is a balm for any soul searching for care and quiet acceptance of their practice.”

According to Robert Weir, author of Journey - People, Places and Ponderings, pictured above with arms as wide as the world on a walking meditation inspired by teacher Thích Nhất Hạnh, our Summer NSMR proved to be, “Far beyond five stars. Paul Tootalian, the facilitator, presented a beautiful combination of Buddhist Vipassana meditation and indigenous way-of-life traditions while also honoring Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Paul organized the weekend well: starting simply and working logically toward greater knowledge and understanding of deep meditation.His guidance provided the means for each of us to tune into our individual self—our unique feelings, images and self-talk—and customize our “sits” and “walks” to our singular situations. This he augmented with beautiful singing of Ceremonial spiritual songs.”

“Then there was the silence … the beautiful silence. No talking from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon … with plenty of physical and energetic space for the seven participants to be alone in our individual thoughts and readings within a peaceful, communal environment of a lovely guesthouse and expansive, grassy property. I set five difficult goals and met them all. For that, I am grateful and joyful and blessed.” We echo Robert’s serene sentiment, happily announcing our Fall NSMR for the weekend of October 1 - 3, with registration and information up shortly, along with our entire Fall 2021 schedule, offering some surprisingly cool new retreats + Yoga’s triumphant return. Stay attuned and we’ll see you soon ~ Toksha