Aho Matakuye O'yasin! (All My Relations -or- We Are All Relatives)

Aho Matakuye O'yasin! (All My Relations -or- We Are All Relatives)


I glanced at my calendar this morning and could not believe that this great group of people — Amanda, Laura, Love, River, Ashley, Kelly and Becky, with Macy and Grace down front and Rock Man Tyler “Can You Jet Ski” Kanczuzewski out of the frame— were in the proverbial house, and specifically the retreat house, a mere eight days ago. So much has come to pass since then I thought it was weeks back. In the words of my Teacher Shinzen Young, “At first, every retreat changes you. Then every sit (or formal meditation) changes you. Until eventually when every moment changes you.”

As to beliefs, change and dwelling in space and time for a few more minutes, hours, days, or even years, it’s all moving at an interesting clip. And at times feels utterly exhausting. But what else is a physical body for (?), if not to cause some serious trouble in the material world, otherwise known as soulful transformation. This group supported one another hugely in that quest, exuding the conviction many indigenous cultures hold that one’s family is not only made up of immediate blood relatives, but extends to those within their extended tribal clan. The abundance of this family, our true spiritual family, is the measure of one’s wealth, creating the very foundation for sound, healthy living. If your heart longs for a spark, while your mind craves a do-over, or you simply need support and more genuine connection, we’ll be doing the Ritual again mid-May, as we do it every month, along with the very special Morel Mushroom Mystery Tour lead by the marvelous Anthony Michael Bowers one week later, on Saturday May 22nd, with registration information up this week.

Until then, here’s Macy’s take on how we came together to collectively turn things around: “I attended The Way of the Contrary Workshop at Higher Haven and it was an amazing and spiritual experience! From the moment we arrived we felt welcomed, the property was gorgeous, and the Lodging was so cozy. The Inipi Sweat Lodge Ceremony was something I will never forget, so beautiful and spiritual. I also learned so much from the meditation class. I left feeling refreshed, at peace, and so serene. What a great hidden gem Higher Haven is, I will definitely be back!” -M.D.

Way Back When Leaders and Politics Were Noble

Way Back When Leaders and Politics Were Noble

“Who's got the brain of JFK? What's it mean to us now? Oh, it's sound insurance But I can tell you, this is no Lie...”

“Who's got the brain of JFK? What's it mean to us now? Oh, it's sound insurance But I can tell you, this is no Lie...”

We sold my Mom’s house at 5339 High Court Way West Bloomfield, Michigan on the east side of the state a year after I started The Higher Haven. Just a season before the completion of the retreat house, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect, with a cache of comfy, orange, 1970’s couches and chairs suddenly available to fill it up. When my sister Debbie expressed some sadness over the transition, I encouraged her to come visit and witness the former home of Louise Teresa Wrobel Tootalian, our Mother, reincarnated.

All that said, I found something incredibly cool this week amongst the boxes of my Mom’s things. The blue picture book above, titled One Hour In Our History, commemorates October 14th, 1960, a Friday, the day JFK visited Kalamazoo, Michigan. Shaking hands and kissing babies on the 1960 campaign trail. the energy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s efforts are forever captured in photographs by Lance Ferraro and the Kalamazoo Gazette. “A President is not measured by the hands he shakes or the promises he makes,” reads the back cover inscription. “He is measured by his desire and willingness to live with the times and the courage to face the challenges of the future.” Thirty-five pages of black and white pictures show Kennedy smiling amongst a sea of people, ending with a notable Epilogue.

“John F Kennedy was not the first Presidential candidate to visit Kalamazoo—nor was he the last. But we will remember his campaign stop here long after that of many others have dimmed in our memories. The spotlight of history does that in our minds; it illuminates some events while throwing others into shadow. Abraham Lincoln, with whom John Kennedy has frequently been compared, spoke to a large Republican rally from the mound in Bronson Park on August 27, 1856.” The closing piece goes on to cite how Lincoln’s long-time adversary Stephen A. Douglas, opposing the Great Emancipator, stood on the same mound addressing 40,000 people in 1860. President William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryant visited, with Dwight Eisenhower rolling through in 1952 and Richard Nixon also making a whistle-stop appearance in 1960. “Many great men have visited Kalamazoo, and their visits were momentous events, but like Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and his brief hour in our city hold special significance.” The end expresses how photos allow us to recreate moments that have passed and can in no other way be relived.

The plan was to wrap this atypical little post right here, inviting you all out to come read the blue book and relax on our orange furniture. Synchronous events, however, do occur, as I just received a bit of standout feedback from our beloved Mindy, a resident of — guess where? — the iaforementioned K-Zoo. We’ll be getting low and heading into the Ceremony mentioned below to once again ask for the healing we need this weekend. And, as always, we’ll look forward to you joining us in the very near future.

"The Higher Haven is a home away from home. All the stress and tension from the outside world melts away when I pull up the driveway. Attending retreats has become an essential part of my spiritual maintenance and overall well-being. The March Ceremony was a beautiful experience to be a part of. Each time I attend a Sweat, I am able to more fully embrace the experience and become a conduit for the energy of life to flow through. I appreciate the opportunity to partake in ritual and ask for the healing I need. Always grateful for these experiences, and I hold them with the deepest reverence." -M.R.