Our Spring Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat (CSDR) with Master Teacher John Ashbrook

Our Spring Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat (CSDR) with Master Teacher John Ashbrook

Behold the beauty of connection, creativity, and calmness flowing from three days of deep spiritual practice at our recent Spring Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat Weekend (CSDR). Here, dear Rebeca leads our participants in a Sunday Morning Yin Yoga Class that releases tension in the body while inspiring fresh, positive thinking in the mind. New, more peaceful thinking leads to a renewed, more peaceful life. Couple yoga with meditation, add the power of Ceremonial purification and top it all off with a Master Teacher’s understanding of Soul Psychology, and the result is a thorough and dramatic transformation, a deep, positive shift in one’s being.

Drawing from his writings and adept knowledge of numerology, John shared several articles that included little known Secrets of Joy. By examining Joy from a numerological perspective, we unlock valid but not commonly recognized methods for achieving and maintaining more joyful living, all contained in this lovely, simple and yet complex word. “In numerology, the word Joy reads 167. This number combination is very powerful, because it speaks of spiritual maturity and the power it brings to one’s life. The number 167 reads insistence balanced by patience. This is the very principle by which all creation is possible. Where there is no patience, joy cannot possibly exist, because when the insistence to have one’s way is left unchecked, one become so preoccupied with making things happen right now, that there is no time to enjoy the results of one’s efforts. Instead, it’s on to the next demand. Then the next. This is immaturity, breeding dissatisfaction and despair, the very opposite of joy. By applying patience, new possibilities present themselves, those of not only enjoying the results of one’s efforts, but also the process of creation itself.

Now let’s dive a little deeper into our numerological examination of Joy. The number 167 adds up to 14 (1 + 6 + 7 = 14). This number reads an insistence to change in the positive and not to change in the negative. This will to change, to grow, and to expand one’s life is the key to joy. The will to keep everything the same is stagnation and the essence of misery. The will to progress as spiritual beings requires a balanced effort of action and patience. The will to keep all things the same requires only the insistence to do so, but this attitude conflicts with the energy of life. Life is movement, growth, expansion and constant renewal. Life cannot be held still or stifled. Change is inevitable, so one who resists change is not in harmony with life, thus losing their ability to direct their life and have a say in what will be. Those who are willing to surrender to the process of life, trusting change, not resisting the powerful flow, will be honored by life. They will gain the ability to direct their life in a meaningful way, in full accordance with the natural laws of a benevolent Universe. They will eventually get exactly what they want, but in the meantime their patient, trusting attitude will enable them to really enjoy the ride, experiencing it all. They live in the calm, ever-expanding moment of eternal joy, Their happiness is not governed by the fleeting whims of immaturity.

The final number of Joy is 5 (1 + 6 + 7 = 14 and 1 + 4 = 5). The number five is also the number of life (3 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 23 and 2 + 3 = 5). Joy and Life are connected by this common vibration, and they are also connected by this challenge — freedom of expression. To express your own individuality is to be alive and joy is the product of self-expression. Unlimited self-expression equals unlimited joy of living. Those are some pretty big secrets for such a little word, and if you’re intrigued and interested in learning even more, our next Spiritual Development Retreat with the Mighty John Ashbrook will be offered Friday September 29th — Sunday October 1st, with John teaching the next class in his series on the development of a true spiritual life. But in case you’re still building your patience muscle and can’t quite wait until Fall, Rebecca will be here offering a special extended Yin Yoga Weekend Friday August 11th — Sunday August 13th. There’s also our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend the first weekend in August and Ceremony monthly through year-end. This is the way to a happiness beyond external conditions and a peace that can never be taken away. But don’t just take my word(s) on it. Here’s Martha’s take on her May CSDR experience, as we look forward to seeing you.

“Stepping out of the car, the first thing I noticed were the sounds - birds chirping, the slight rustling of leaves.  No car traffic, lawn mowers, ambulance sirens. I instantly felt better than when I got into my car in southeast Michigan. Although I felt some hesitancy in this, my first try at meditation, by Saturday evening I was hooked!  Paul provided a gradual introduction, accompanied by sacred songs, and interspersed with time to walk in the woods.  I felt a calm, which had been currently lacking in my life. On Sunday, Yin Yoga with Rebecca was an added bonus, relaxing for both body and spirit.  Lively and thoughtful discussions among the attendees during mealtimes helped to further promote positivity. I returned home, relaxed and calm in mind, body and spirit.”

 Our April Ceremonial Overnight

Our April Ceremonial Overnight

When my friend Chuck received a text of the image above, he wrote back: “Nice! How are you firing those beauties up? On the Grill?” It seems my photo of porous, Sonoran Desert, Arizona lava rocks was mistaken for thick slabs of Ribeye, ready to be stoked up proper in an early spring barbecue. Interestingly, the cooking actually still occurred, as these rocks safely hold heat after being Ceremonially arranged and then roasted for hours in a sacred fire. That’s why we bring them back cross-country in the bed of our pickup truck annually, and then bring them back to life, reigniting the original energy of their orange-red, glorious, lava flow glow. We then draw upon their primal, earthly essence in a revitalizing experience of spiritual purification, as done by indigenous people for tens of thousands of years before us.

As to the actually happenings, words often limit the experience. This we can convey, with confidence: every participant in this weekend’s Ceremony had their own direct experience with the truth of the spiritual source of life, making for some very significant transformations from Saturday afternoon intentions to Sunday morning realizations. As to discerning what is true for oneself and the freedom that flows from that understanding, it’s already been said: know the truth, and the truth will set you free. “Even if these (the people there present) were silent,” Jesus went on to declare in Luke 19:40,” the very stones will cry out.” While maybe not speaking of sweat lodge stones from the Judaean Desert , this is a statement communicating that whether you acknowledge the truth or not, the truth still stands on its own accord.

If all this has you very curious, very confused, or somewhere in-between, we’ll be doing it again in May, and once a month throughout the remainder of 2023. So for those of you looking to turn things around in your lives in a healing, Heyoka way, Hokahey, let’s go, come out and join us, as we gather in praise and gratitude for the difficult, precious gifts that are our lives on earth. We’ll look forward to seeing you soon, and until then, will close for now with Lillian and Carrie’s take on their recent weekend stay Wopila Pilamaye.

“Simply ~ Thank You! This retreat gave me hope and peace. I have made some wonderful connections with my ancestors as well as total strangers. Please keep doing this! You’re helping to heal the world one person at a time and giving us the tools to take out into the world and help others. Thank you ~ Love & Blessings, CK “04/23/2023 Aho Matakuye O’yasin! I released fear, doubt, and the separate self that had laid a veil over my eyes. I see and feel with clarity now, and am committed to make fear a memory and this ceremony the ongoing Now. Deep healing and transformation for me was helped by the other wonderful souls called to take part in this weekend ~ May our paths meet again. ‘New thoughts ~ New Life’. To you reading this, all things are possible, and I am with you.” ~ LW

On Our 2023 Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend

On Our 2023 Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend

We’ve taken a short pause in our Vietnamese programming to plug back in and review our first successful retreat of the 2023 season. When I read the Bùi Giáng post below to my Teacher John Ashbrook, who’ll return soon in May for our next Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat Weekend, his comment was, “Cool. A little bit of esoteric is always good!” Then I woke up Thursday morning to the steady gaze of a local Barred Owl, our nocturnal, feathered friend also known as The Higher Haven’s mascot, often heard but never before seen. Known informally as the classic Hoot Owl or Eight-Hooter Owl, its also called the Striped Owl, its banded streaks clearly seen here. As John is fond of reminding me, everything in this life is a reflection of some greater spiritual significance. And drawing on my experiences with my Lakota Heyoka Teacher, I’m a healer who is still learning how to see in the darkness, always watching for and heeding those subtle signs, as they turn one’s attention inward. The Barred Owl points to our intuitive knowing, realizing the Spirits are calling, and although subtle and quiet, like the soft feathered beat of its wings in the forested night, we listen for and learn to trust that gentle voice of our inner intuition.

We had a great, hard working little group here at the start of March, and considering our Noble Silence Meditation Retreat (NMSR) Weekends are offered quarterly, we’ll be gathering together again for our Spring NMSR the weekend of June 9th — June 11th. Here’s new student but also experienced meditator Sue, who I affectionately dubbed Sioux, on the benefits of her wonderful Winter weekend visit:

“The Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend that I attended in March 2023 was everything I thought it could be and so much more.  I had never attended a silent retreat with a group and wasn't sure what to expect.  Paul and his team took great care to ensure that each of us had all we needed to get the most out of the weekend.  I felt comfortable and safe the entire time, which is of utmost importance.  The lodging was warm, comfortable and the food was clean and filling - perfect for a weekend of self-reflection and extended meditations.  The land, which we spent many hours strolling about during our meditation walks, was pristine and quiet.  The perfect setting for relaxation and peace.   I was especially affected by my ability to meditate comfortably for long periods of time thanks to the care Paul took to structure our agenda. We had plenty of breaks and also plenty of ‘work’ which we were gently eased into without any pressure. 

Being a regular practitioner of meditation, I not only learned more about myself through the process of being silent at this retreat, but I learned so much more about this beautiful process along with new techniques and philosophies. I found Paul to be a noble, warm and genuine person with a deep and abiding commitment to the work and all of mankind.  It was a true honor spending time with him and each guest.  Although we did not verbally communicate much, I connected with each person on the soul level and will be forever grateful for our time together. I recommend this program for anyone - be it a new meditator or a seasoned one.  Everyone can become transformed through this experience.  I know that I was." ~ Sioux 3/23