We’re prepping for the final public, monthly Purification Ceremony of 2024 this weekend, and are happy to confirm our blessed Holiday Happening, the evolved version of our former Aho Ho Ho Hoedown Throwdown, this year’s Silent Night/Holy Night, Friday evening, December 20th from 6pm — 8pm. We’ll gather for the final Sit of 2024, with some simple Meditation instruction, a thirty-minute, guided Vipassana Sit, and a talk by our beloved friend and Naturopath Dr. Denise Acton on Immune Health and how to stay healthy during the Winter months. Come on out and take a proactive approach to the transformative year ion the snake 2025, with a healthy “Jump Start” .on the new year.
Interestingly, the very moment of the Winter Solstice will occur early the next morning at 4:19 a.m., and so we’ll be conducting our own Yaza, or all-night Sit, something we may be offering to the public in 2025, a great challenge, but also a great boost to one’s personal practice. As to the last of our public programming ’24, after our Sit, Walk, and Talk, along with Ceremonial and Holiday song, we’ll end with a bit of cheer at the Retreat House, to tak a cup of kindness for auld lang syne and toast to a Happy New Year 2025.
We’ll also bring in the Spirit of Advent and poet Reiner Maria Rilke, who famously wrote of the hope, reverence and renewal found in the forest wilderness. Rilke also cited the paradox of seeking human companionship in the solitude of night. “Night divides you from your neighbor, and by no means are you to seek him out.” We’ll defy that a bit in true contrarian fashion, and hope to see you in our final circle of 2024. Also look for the start of the 2025 retreat schedule up for registration by the last night of Chanukah. Shanah Tovah — Good Year!
Gather at the Love Shack Yoga/Teaching Studio 6 p.m.
Meditation Sitting and Walking Instruction 6 p.m. — 6:30 p.m.
Sit/Walk in Silence and Peace 6:30 — 7:00 p.m.
Talk on Immunity Health with Dr. Denise Acton 7:00 p.m. — 7:30 p.m
Cheers to the Yr. of the Dragon ’24, Welcome the Yr of the Snake ‘25 — 8 p.m….