Study many of the world’s spiritual paths and you’ll go back a few thousand, perhaps up to five thousand years. Study Shamanism, mankind’s natural religion, and you’ll go back ten, twenty, perhaps more than forty thousand years. And at the source of the longest river of time and space, at the very heart of the heart of many of the spiritual practices indigenous to Mother earth, sits the drum, a sacred tool for connecting to the senses, the present moment, to one’s self and to one another. In this very Special, Full-Day Fall Drum Making Workshop, you’ll give birth to your very own frame drum. As one of the most ancient musical instruments, the frame drum holds deep connections to cultures the world over. And being part of the creative/birthing process provides a deep, nurturing connection to your instrument that will continue to bloom, being the impetus for personal growth as well as a deepening of spiritual practice.

About The Drum:

The drum we’re making is a 14 inch, single sided natural skin drum with a white ash hoop. Stretched over the hoop will be a beautiful deer rawhide head and lacing. The back is laced in what is known as a four-direction handle that’s both easy to make and provides a very durable and comfortable position grip. This drum is the perfect project for both beginners or advanced makers alike. You will leave the workshop with your finished drum, a beater, and an introduction to sacred song.

About The Drum Maker:

Instructor Rikk Manning will prepare a kit for your special day that has everything set up and ready for you to dive in and start lacing up. Rikk will guide the group every step of the way to ensure everyone has an enjoyable, productive, and perhaps even transformative day. Rikk will also share a bit of his personal, musical journey, tips for care and feeding, and details on how to achieving great results in the three-day curing process.

More about Rikk can be found at


The Workshop, a Local Farm to Table Lunch, and Drum - $275/person