Weekly Wednesday Meditation Class — The Higher Haven

Mindfulness has become the goalpost of modern life, the answer to our high-paced, overstretched schedules. Who doesn’t want to be “more mindful” in some aspect of their life? Just search for “Meditation” in the App store and you will find a mind- expanding number of apps intended to plug into the Here and Now. The benefits of Meditation in treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain are unparalleled. It is by far the most powerful tool in self-healing. But Meditation, while the biggest game changer and deepest fix, is also not a quick fix; early attempts to Sit in stillness for even short periods for many people are often met with resistance and misunderstanding, with new practitioners too quickly concluding “I can’t meditate.” The practice’s seemingly steep learning curve offers an initial Hump that calls for overcoming. In this hour-long, mid-week class, we’ll get down to the foundation of what meditation is, how to do it, and with a little guidance, quickly begin experiencing the benefits of a regular practice, including reduced stress, developing a sense of inner calm, increased physical and emotional pleasure and bolstering health, just to name a few. This mid-week class is open to all levels of practitioners, and depending on who drops in, will dictate our movement toward inner stillness. This also offers a terrific opportunity to stop by and experience the beauty, serenity, and stately splendor of Michigan’s finest, most intimate spiritual retreat center.


Wednesdays This Month - 12pm – 1pm

Pricing Suggested Donation - $20
