Mindfulness. The sporty new goalpost of modern life might just be the answer to our high-paced, overstretched schedules. Who doesn’t want to be “more mindful” in some aspect of their life? Yet, initial attempts to actual Sit in stillness for even short periods, for many, are often met with resistance and misunderstanding, leading too many new practitioners to too quickly conclude “Meditation is not for me”. In this monthly three-hour afternoon class, we’ll tackle that dodgy self-talk. We’ll get down to the foundation and uncover what meditation is, studying the skills one develops with regular practice – Concentration, Relaxation, Insights into the Nature of Reality and an ability to Unconditionally Love. We’ll work with precision to actually practice, with several sits. And, with a little guidance, we’ll collectively begin experiencing the benefits of a regular practice, including reduced stress, developing a sense of inner calm, increasing physical and emotional pleasures and bolstering our health, just to name a few. Every single person who attends this class will go away with a sharp new arrow in their quiver of life-skills. THE arrow in fact — a tool of immense power and generality that can be applied to improving just about every aspect of their personal human happiness.


Individual Attendee (1) - $60

Parent, Relative or Friend with Accompanying Young Person (2) - $100