We're excited to announce our first Nurture Positivity Weekend Retreat. This very special Pre-Holiday offering combines several healing and grounding meditation techniques and offers them over a breezy, laid back weekend designed to help attendees re-center and reconnect prior to the busy season. We'll combine our Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class with Chanting, Meta or Loving kindness Meditation, along with Ceremonial Mind-Training and other mental tools to cleanse and recalibrate both mind and heart. The benefits of this weekend's practice in treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain are unparalleled. Imagine how it might assist you in reducing stress, helping to develop a sense of inner calm, and bolster your general health and self-healing.

During this Fall Getaway, we'll connect deeply with the entire sweep of what Mindfulness is all about, focusing on and fostering the skills one develops with regular practice — Concentration, Relaxation, Insights into the Nature of Reality, and an ability to Unconditionally Love. We'll engage with times of practice and gathering as well as silence and connecting to and enjoying nature's stillness. This is an easier, more relaxed retreat weekend open to all levels of practitioners, with full access to cozy, overnight accommodations as well as the ability to attend Saturday's Special Nurture Positivity Class only. This retreat is a perfect fit for anyone who needs to fire their heart, shake off the Fall blues and lay hold of the benefits of mindfulness — insight, empowerment and elevated self-esteem. Every single person who attends this weekend in any capacity - for the duration or a visit - will go away with a new arrow in their quiver of life-skills. THE Arrow in fact — a new or sharpened tool of immense power and generality that can be applied to improving just about every aspect of their personal human happiness.

* There are limited spots available for this retreat to ensure safety and sound social distancing practices.



Arrival, Welcome and Check-In 6 pm

Light, Healthy Dinner 6:30 - 7:30 pm

Orientation 8 pm

Group Sit and Chant 8:30-9 pm

Deep Rest and Relaxation 9 pm


Wake Up and Light, Healthy Breakfast 8 am - 9 am

Nurture Positivity Class - How to See Good, Hear Good and Feel Good - A Special Class on Sitting, Walking and Chanting Meditations 9:30am - Noon

Light, Healthy Lunch Noon - 1 pm

Relaxation and Time to Explore Nature or Lake Michigan ( Meditation and Mindfulness 101) 1pm - 4 pm

Group Sit and Mindful Movement/Yin Yoga Class 4pm - 5pm

Dinner and Free Practice Period Time 5 pm - 8pm

Group Sit and Fire Ceremonial Circle 8pm - 9 pm

Deep Rest and Relaxation 9pm


Wake Up and Light, Healthy Breakfast 8 am - 9 am

Group Sit and Chant 9 am - 10 am

Free Practice Period and Nature Exploration Time 10 am - Noon

Light, Healthy Lunch Noon - 1 pm

Closing Talking Circle 1pm - 2 pm


Retreat with Overnight stay in Dorm Room - $395 per person

Retreat with Overnight in Private Room with Shared Bed - $495 per person

Saturday's Nurture Positivity Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class only - $100 per person

*Note Preparatory Information will be sent prior to this Retreat Weekend