Join Us For a 400-Year American Foraging Tradition - Also Known As Thanksgiving!

Did this scene above ever truly occur? As We The People, in order to form a more perfect union, reconsider the stories, history and truths that make our world, one thing is certain: the peace and eternal prosperity of nature continue to call to us all. We’re answering this T-Day by hosting a safe, serene, outdoor saunter led by Anthony Michael Blowers. Foraging for edible greens, Velvet Foots, Shaggy Mane Mushrooms, medicinal Turkey Tail and more, we’ll circle up ‘round the fire afterward to taste some traditional and non-traditional delectables. And whether or not the lifestyle, knowledge and spiritual understanding of America’s indigenous people were properly honored in the past, they will be in the present, as well as the future, as we pursue the blessings of Liberty. Aho Matakuye O’yasin. Toksha


3:00 pm Welcome
3:30 - 5:00 Nature Walk and Mushroom Hunt
5:00 - 6:00 Wild Snacks and Feastibles
6:00 pm Close


$40 Registration