• The Higher Haven (map)
  • 494 63rd Street
  • South Haven, MI, 49090
  • United States

The Great Blue Heron is a majestic sight. Often seen standing silently along inland rivers or lakeshores or soaring high overhead with slow wingbeats, Herons represent an ability to progress, evolve with self- determination and trust one’s own innate wisdom. A rare Blue Heron rookery of colonial nests resides directly across the entryway to The Higher Haven, calling these regal beings back every Spring, where they’re seen fishing surrounding wetlands and flying over adjoining cornfields. With our skies emptying out as billions of North American bird species decline, here is a rare opportunity to return to the heart of nature, bath in the atmosphere of a forestand experience new tools of energetic renewal.

Guided meditations focused on the purification of the senses — seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touch — will help bridge the gap between attendees and the natural world. This retreat is for anyone desiring a relaxing, healing visit to The Higher Haven, the merits of spiritual practice and authentic Native American Ceremony, but who may not be quite ready for the intensity of an Inipi (Sweatlodge). Unplug from the outer, rapidly advancing technical world, down shift, adopt nature’s pace, take in and be taken in by the woods as well as its inhabitants. Attendees will gain a sense of renewal, insight into living, acquire a bright, clear level of awareness and return to civilization with powerful, new contemplative practices.


Arrival Welcome and Check-In 6:00pm

Orientation 6:30- 7:00pm

Light, Healthy, Dinner 7:00pm-8:00pm

Class on The Power of Nature and Animal Wisdom 8:00 – 9:00pm

Deep Rest and Relaxation 9:00pm


Wake Up 8:00am

Light, Healthy Breakfast 8:00-9:00am

Meditation Class on the 6 senses and 4 Principles of Practice – Concentration,

Relaxation, Insights into Reality, and Unconditional Love 10am-1:00pm

Light, Healthy Lunch 1:00-2:00pm

Free Time for Relaxation, Nature & Rookery Exploration 2:00-5:00pm

Light Healthy Dinner 5:30pm- 6:30pm

Healing Fire Circle Ceremony 7:00-8:30pm

Deep Rest and Relaxation 9:00 pm


Wake Up 8:00am

Light Healthy Breakfast 9:00am-10am

Yoga Class focused on Animal Wisdom 10:00-11:00am

Free Time for Relaxation, Nature or Rookery Exploration 11:00am- 12:30pm

Light, Healthy Lunch 12:30-1:30pm

Wind Down and Closing Talking Circle 2:00pm


Retreat with Overnight stay in shared bed in private room - $700/couple

Retreat with Overnight stay in Dorm room - $395/person

Option to Camp or Studio Sleeping Bag Accommodations - $350