In traditional cultures, the Contrarian brought teachings and healings of energetic renewal. Bad was turned to good, negative to positive, fear, anxiety, depression and other mental ills soothed with mind-training techniques and Ceremonial spiritual purification. By moving backwards or unconventionally and often outside societal restraints, Pueblos Jesters, Hopi Clowns and Lakota Heyokas tapped into supernatural forces that restored universal balance and harmony to the community, providing emotional healing, energetic uplift & renewed life vitality.

In this workshop, an introduction to the practices and retreats at South Haven’s Higher Haven Retreat Center, Meditation Teacher and Ceremonial Leader Paul Tootalian will lead us on a journey exploring some of the most powerful indigenous techniques for restoring mental well-being. We’ll explore the six senses with equal parts profound Inner Silence merged with Mighty Sound Healing. This Workshop is for anyone who needs to reimagine and take possession of their life in a New Way. Come and gain insight into living, shake off some fears, feel more in harmony with the rest of creation and spark a generally healthier, more positive approach to life.

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