Well, we’re back. We’re Nationwide. And we won’t be mistaken to loosely quote ZZ Top, perhaps inspired by a great night spent in Amarillo, Texas. Passing a church just a few miles from our home after a lengthy, 1,506-mile, three-day drive from our home away from home in Cave Creek, Arizona, the sign of the Principe de Paz of the Iglesia Christina Reformada read “A Prophetic Word for 2022”. What instantly sprung to mind, perhaps inspired by the surrounding Michigan landscape, was an outstanding December class led by my teacher John Ashbrook. I’ve been attending John’s classes for 10 years, and John has been teaching them for over twenty. At Spiritual Development Class #1265, we drew on John’s adept knowledge of numerology in a teaching on what to expect from 2022, focusing on the decisions that need to be made individually to collectively ensure humanity’s best and brightest future. The spiritual math of 2022 adds up to a visualization for a future of prosperity, very powerful in the sense that the vision we have could become a fixed reality. If we’re ready to hold a vision for our life that is free and prosperous, it’s a prime time for it to occur.

Class #1265 held several interesting spiritual topics, one of the most standout being the Ten Supporting Principles of Manifestation as well as the Prosperity Pyramid. All creation is the result of the an exact balance between two movements. The masculine principle of creation endeavors to put effort or force into motion to activate manifestation. The outer force must be balanced with the feminine principle of creation-trust. This is an inner movement of relaxation, a belief in the creative dynamic that enough of the right force is being applied to bring about fruition. When these two movements, activation (force) and relaxation (trust) exist in balance, you’ll end up getting exactly what you set out to create. If there is an in-balance in the two movements, there will either be no creation or you will get a partial or distorted manifestation of your desire. The Ten Supporting Principles of Manifestation are: 1. Have a clear idea of what you want to create. 2.Take the appropriate amount of action to bring about manifestation — no more, no less. 3. Affirm your desire to the Universe through prayer of meditation — then let it all go. 4. Visualize the outcome. 5. Do not dictate how your desire is to be fulfilled. 6. Seek balance in your life, be cognizant of the creative force. 7. Affirm your trust in the Universe by being patient. 8. Create a deserving attitude — treat yourself with love and respect, cultivate positive thoughts and viewpoints, 9. Let go of your wish and live joyfully! 10. Show gratitude.

After having you endure the lengthy former post, we’ll keep it brief, although I’m equally delighted sharing some of the knowledge and power of another great teacher with you all. And very, very happy to report that John will actually be here in May at our Spring Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat. Although our Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat is full and overflowing, we still have spots at tomorrow’s Mediation + Mindfulness 101 class, will be back in Ceremony with March’s Way of The Contrary Weekend, and will soon be filling in the Spring and Summer schedule now that we’re home sweet home. Our hope is that 2022 is shaping up beautifully for you, and if you need a little energetic bump, some encouragement, or a bit of direction on the road that truly leads somewhere, you’ll visit soon. We’re looking forward to seeing you. Toksha