Breaking Silence at the close of our Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend with a traditional Talking Circle

We have indeed been back for weeks, making it high time to jump back on the blog for a few warm reports from our late Winter healing circles. Back in boots first with our Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend as well as a successful February Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class, we got low for the first time in 2022 this past Saturday at a wild Way of The Contrary March Weekend. Having caught the stubby tail-end of a brutal Michigan Winter, we celebrated Spring’s precise arrival at the close of class on sun-dappled Sunday morning, with the Vernal Equinox arriving at 10:33 a.m.

We’ll be back in class again this Saturday, March 26th for the March Meditation + Mindfulness 101 , circling up again for April’s Ceremonial Weekend, gathering for a just about sold-out Friday May 20th - Sunday May 22nd Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat with John Ashbrook with some spots still available for the Sunday Talk, and finally announced our Spring Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend, set for Friday, June 3rd thru Sunday June 5th, and open now for registration. In addition, we have some exciting new offerings in the works for Spring and Summer, with workshops focused on families, young people, health care workers and care givers, and other folks interested in acquiring the healing balm of mindfulness, psychological skills easily acquired with a bit of effort, guidance and ongoing practice.

With that, here is Melissa on her recent one-day visit with her husband Matt to The Higher Haven. We’re looking forward to seeing Melissa, Matt, their kids, as well as you and all yours in the very near future.. Toksha

My husband and I were so fortunate in recently attending the Meditation + Mindfulness 101 session together at the Higher Haven Retreat Center. From the moment we arrived, both the beautiful setting, as well as Paul’s hospitable spirit made us feel instantly at peace and very present to the moment. In this course, Paul takes participants through a wonderful rhythm of teaching and practice, which gave us a holistic view of not only how to practice but also the history, benefits, and potential outcomes of continued meditation practice. I would highly recommend taking this course with a friend or loved one, as my husband and I have had great discussions and encouraging conversations around practice that have lasted well after the course!” - M.M.H.