I spoke of my Mom Louise’s passing in the former post and shared this photo on my social media. I’m not a huge social media fan, as my own consists of merely a personal Facebook page and a Higher Haven Facebook page, finding it to be a sort of external verification for much of the world and its people’s internal uncertainty. I think we have a very quiet to virtually non-existent Instagram page, as when Instagram surged I had so much on my plate it seemed like just another distraction. I suppose I’m good for my 23 Likes. All that said, I did find it comforting to receive some notes from old friends, old inside Lou Lou jokes, and other condolences. I’m also happy to report that where I anticipated a huge slump on Mother’s Day, we instead encountered a lot of sweet Moms and hugs by proxy. So thanks to everyone who said, ”Do you need to hug my Mom?” and “She’s in a better place, honey,” which is true.

Now all that remains are sweet memories of Louise, like the pic above, taken when she visited me living in San Francisco in 2009. I was utterly obsessed with King Tutankhamen, the boy king when I, too, was a boy, and King Tut mania first swept across the United States, during his first visit from 1976 to 1979. “Now, when I die, don't think I'm a nut, don't want no fancy funeral, just one like ole king Tut. (king Tut), he coulda won a Grammy, (funky Tut) buried in his jammies,” We had a lot of fun catching the exhibit 30 years later at the de Young Museum, clowning in the gift shop. When the picture above was taken, I whispered to my Mom,, “Do NOT smile Lou, you are Ramses II,” and I think she pulled it off. I’m also feeling a lot better in general and so happy to be running Ceremony this weekend, the first with Louise Teresa as one of my ancestors, now residing on the other side.

We still have a few open spots and won’t be able to offer the public another opportunity for this particular retreat until July, as the June Way of the Contrary Weekend has been filled by a private Men’s Group. Private group Ceremonies — that’s an option that groups of eight to ten men and women should consider. We’ll also be offering our signature Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class on the Saturday of Father’s Day weekend, and any son who registers can bring their Dad as our guest, while a registered Dad can bring their sons. And we just received such tremendous reports from the participants in our Spring NMSR, that we look forward to sharing, and will offer our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat weekend July 26th through the 28th. The Yoga + Meditation weekend has shifted to the last weekend in June, and registration will open soon.

We’ll close with Dinese’s take on her April visit, confirming that we’re one of the world’s premier places for personal transformation, and as always, look forward to seeing you soon. "I am so happy that I chose The Higher Haven in my quest to take part in an authentic, healing, indigenous Ceremony. Other offerings I researched throughout the United States and even internationally seemed detached and almost dispassionate. After discovering their website, talking with Paul and making travel plans, I just knew I was making the right choice. Paul's knowledge, passion, and genuine approach to helping and healing others was exactly what I was looking for. I feel loved, I know I am not alone, and I continue to feel a renewed sense of peace and clarity. Aho! Matakuye O'yasin (we are all related)!”