Good Morning` from South Haven. Michigan, USA, a very… hmmm… how shall we say it…(?) interesting place to currently reside in our world, interesting defined as a state of curiosity or serious concern. To quote my Native American Teacher Chief Philip Aaron Crazybull around the time of the assault of Iraq, a war beginning March 20, 2003, “I don’t do politics”, a lead I’ll follow here. With a solid N/C regarding Thursday’s debate, we are all clearly facing the rapid revolutionizing of our world, what today’s Sunday NY Times calls “worldwide disruptions”, but here at The Higher Haven we recognize as a massive spiritual transformation of our modern world. As our outer, illusory reality tanks, the ability to possess and practice internal skills that calm, center and balance us, providing a toehold into what used to be called the world to come but appears to be very quickly arriving, will prove to be invaluable. Of course there are those waiting to be raptured. And although we honor and uphold Jesus Christ’s most difficult task, that of proving one can live on earth as if in heaven, here we lean into taking full responsibility for our own spiritual work to help make it so.

With that, let’s not panic or lose the ability to laugh out loud and confidently just yet. My college roommate commented that Biden and Trump both looked like the old men from The Muppets. I liked John Stewart’s attempt to lighten the terrible mood saying he was so stressed, he needed to “call a real estate agent in New Zealand.” Speaking of old, good friends, and reaching out, I was prompted to call my buddy, my bån and main man Phuc in Vietnam (more on that below). The truth is that given the reality of impermanence, all of our lives on planet earth will soon be coming to an end, but with true spiritual work, hopefully a very fulfilling one.

Chatting up Phuc, I eagerly inquired, “how do you say, not just: ‘I’m sorry’ (Xin loi, pronounced Sin Loy), but rather a bigger apology, an “I’m so very sorry”, (apparently rất xin lỗi). Rất Xin Lỗi, (pronounced Zut Sin Loy) was this post’s alternative title, a sincere ask for an understanding pardon from the many currently contacting The Higher Haven. Almost back on my feet after the previously discussed loss of my sweet Louise, I was sent back down my personal loss rabbit hole for several weeks with the late-May death of my Uncle Z, my sole and favorite Armenian Uncle, and my Dad Sark’s little brother. So behind the scenes my own heart took another hit, but I’m very happy to report that it’s turning out to be a Summer of much needed, much deserved Healing. And if you’re in need, we got some we got some if ya need it, turn it up, turn it up, before we're gone… the situation, which side are you on? Are you getting out or are you dropping bombs? Have you heard of diplomatic resolve? (Yeah!). Although most of our August private visit opportunities are filled by current students, we will offer a class with overnight stay possibilities, so watch for that and then contact us .

One last backward look down the rabbit hole, I navigated some of my grief by taking part in a Butterfly Release Memorial. The event provided an opportunity for children, teens, adults, and seniors in our community to come together and celebrate the lives of lost loved ones. The symbolic act of releasing a butterfly served as a poignant metaphor for transformation, renewal, and the natural, endless cycle of life, also representing the release of grief and setting the departed loved one’s spirit free. This serene, simple reflection and remembrance also took me back to Vietnam in 2022, when Phuc and I released birds at Båo Tháp Xá Loi Temple in Saigon.

It’s pretty clear upon viewing that we didn’t exactly script this video. I cut Phuc off hi hi (Vietnamese Lol), he cries out “the bag, the bag(!)”, meaning my orange/yellow Patagonia backpack he was a little obsessed with, informing me “the orange represents Buddhism in Cambodia, the yellow in Thailand”. Then we do our level best to pray the good Vietnamese way. As we prepare to celebrate the independence of Mÿ, or America, it occurred to me that the freedom we enjoy at The Higher Haven flows from spiritual practices that provided peace to earth’s people, from Asia to the Americas, long before the founding fathers’ little buckled shoes even set foot on this land. Here, despite outer appearances, the true spirit and destiny of Turtle Island, aka North America, remains alive and well. Come experience our take on the many-sided jewel that is the true spiritual path at our July Ceremonial Way of the Contrary weekend, followed by our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat. God bless you and God bless America (Mỹ).