Qu’est-ce que c’est? What is it (?) one might ask. To find out in full, to de-mist the mist in mysticism as my Teacher Shinzen says, you may have to pay us a personal visit. Just last week, several of our students did, enjoying great spurts in their personal growth. These are folks who’ve previously attended a Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend (NSMRW), or have joined us for Ceremony, then decided to return to hone their Vipassana Meditation skills or join our Saturday Meditation + Mindfulness 1101 class. Usually taught in the context of a meditation retreat weekend, 1101 will be taught again near the close of August. All that said, you’d be pleasantly surprised at what a rock, a wooden bench, an engaging mindfulness technique and a little time spent abiding in nature might do for you.

Lynne covered some good ground, literally and figuratively. We’re happy when people gain traction with their practice here because it’s not easy to do, with some feedback following on her triumphant return and positive spiritual experience. The work here isn’t a quick fix, but for those committed to bettering their one precious human life — and in Lynn’s case having the foresight into how this benefits her as well as the lives of others — it’s well worth it. Many of our limited openings for personal visits are filling, but there are still opportunities for private lessons. Along with deep contemplation, we do cut loose at times when all we want to do is have some fun, and we’ve got a feelin’ we’re not the only ones, with several spots still available for our August Women’s Weekend aka Heather Winia’s Birthday Bash. Watch for the full Fall schedule up soon. Toksha

“I thank you for the comfort of the Retreat House.  The sights, smells, and sounds were therapeutic for me.  I think of the mass populations around the globe who will never know what it is like to spend time in such a special place, and it humbles me.  I appreciate – to my core – the space you and Nature have helped create for those of us who seek to dive deeper, work harder, and treasure more greatly – to enhance richness and contentment in our lives, so that we might maximize the quality of our lives, as well as share this richness with others.

I thank you for sharing RoZie.   Who else could sit on an underwater branch, in the middle of a river, while planning which dragonfly to chase next, and be so incredibly adorable – all at the same time??!!  She reminded me of the importance of purity:  joy; exuberance; abandonment; excitement; and focus.  I believe she will partner with you well – providing comfort and opportunities to future guests in ways that no human being could ever do.

 I thank you for the private lessons  --   I think that experiencing the Noble Silence Retreat in June, followed by two days of private lessons in July with an overnight stay between to allow me the opportunity to practice new techniques, has provided me with tools, education, depth, and confidence to continue my meditation experience and deepen the quality of my life.  Your flexibility with my schedule and my specific needs to enhance my practice were pivotal in making this a success.  The Higher Haven could not be more appropriately named.    Thank you, Paul & Rozie” (And Thank YOU L.T. - P + R)
