Everything about this retreat exceeded my expectations. The grounds are tranquil and the guest house provided an opportunity for peace and community. I enjoyed the casual but powerful experience. There was time for relaxation and there was also opportunity for deep growth and learning. The weekend was very healing. Our group even committed to returning together next year, because we found so much inspiration participating in the Ceremony together! Paul offered us a rich opportunity to share, learn, and connect. And he is a terrific host, practitioner, and storyteller!” ~ Gina C. A very sincere Pilamaye or word of thanks to our early September Ceremonial Crew, the beautiful, brave people pictured above who came together seeking all that is good and best within themselves and apparently found it. They even vowed to return next September, a commitment I like the sound of, distant drum sounds rising on the crisp, clean, country air. Whenever I grab my dog Rosalita I shout “Group Hug!”, and the entire weekend ended up feeling like one big, shared, energetic embrace. Wopila

Per your requests, we’ll be posting several 2024 retreats soon, and will only offer this Ceremonial Weekend a few more times in 2023 — the October Pumpkin Lodge being quite full, with a pre-Thanksgiving gathering the November 18th weekend and a final December Lodge the weekend of December 9th. But if the raw, healing energy of a primitive purification Ceremony isn’t exactly your thing, consider the equally comforting, healing practice of finding and fostering your our own inner stillness at our upcoming Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend. We’re excited too, that we’re shaking up our normal Retreat Break to offer a Holiday Silent Night and Winter Zen Walk Workshop. God will surely be in the details to come.