We are a sanctified, world-class retreat center set apart in the bucolic heart of Midwest America. But for folks who haven’t yet found the time for a full retreat visit, we offer standout classes that convey a lot of valuable lessons and learning in one short afternoon. In fact, early Fall is a wonderful time to visit the South Haven, Southwest Michigan area, when the blueberries are bursting, the weather cools, and the visiting crowds thin. “Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach, I feel it in the air, the summers out of reach. Empty lake, empty streets, the sun goes down alone. I’m drivin’ by your house, though I know you’re not home. But I can see you…” Love that line, and I heard that Tom Petty regrettably passed on The Boys of Summer, the tune being written by his Heartbreakers’ guitarist Mike Campbell then recorded by Don Henley and released in Fall 1984.

Be like Don and not like Tom and don’t let an equally amazing rock and roll opportunity slide on by, when you could visit The Higher Haven in the next few weeks or months for an mere afternoon or weekend of life-changing learning. This is a shot above of our Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class from July that we took part in again mid September. It’s an excellent class that covers the different forms of our world’s spiritual practices, how thought presents itself as a process, and defines meditation as a series of internal skills easily developed with systematic practice. We then touch upon each of those skills — concentration, relaxation, insights into the nature of reality and unconditional love — and dive into meditations that better develop them. The next Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class happens Saturday, November 4th. And for those ready to take on a life-changing weekend of fostering inner stillness, there’s still time and space to join our Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend, running from spooky Friday eve, October 13th through the 15th’s Sunday afternoon.