Our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat (NSMR) came to a beautiful close at the start of August, as participants abided in deep stillness and nature for days, then transitioned back into the everyday world by taking part in a traditional talking circle. We’ve practiced laying down this retreat’s steady, rhythmic pace for a few years now, and with great confidence offer sharpened tools for building a solid, mindful meditation practice to anyone willing to pick them up and do the work. This quarterly foray into a few days of sitting and walking practice coupled with our Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class is a great getaway from everyday trivialities, but also an effective way to stretch beyond one’s own limited identity and get under the surface of life for an extended period of time.

While we’re on the subject, what is life? According to Chief Crow Foot (Isapo-Muxika), as well as The Higher Haven’s official t-shirt (now a sought after collector’s item) “It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset,” For those interested in attuning themselves more to the affirmation and negation of the world in every passing moment, leading one in time to a deep sense of primordial, inner peace, come take part in the next Fall NMSR, or join us for our signature Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat with Master Teacher John Ashbrook the weekend of September 29th — October 1st. We’ll have John’s itinerary for his Spiritual Development Class 1102, focusing on creating more spiritually-based relationships, posted next week. For now, let’s turn it over for Kerri’s take on her recent Silent Meditation Retreat experience, and talk again soon.

“Thanks again for a lovely weekend and the follow up link to the Dharma talk. I had several a-ha moments, although I dislike that term, it kind of fits. Breakthrough could be another word, although that feels heavy. Realization is a good one. My experience spiritually was one of a deepening of my practice. I had a breakthrough at one point in the last sit. Thanks for leading us so I could have such a unique experience and breakthrough so I know what can be possible again in the future. There were many other less significant, but fun experiences I had while at Higher Haven. I really enjoyed all of the artwork and tokens I found around the grounds. The tree with ornaments in the woods, to the metal mask on the tree in the drive, etc. The nature trails were beautifully groomed. I was especially impressed by the lengthy boardwalk. That must have taken a lot of time to clear and construct.

Re: the program itself, I really enjoyed toggling back and forth between sits and walks. I meditate often, but don’t often go past a half hour. Breaking it up with walks was nice to allow for time to stay in a liminal space, yet not get too tired or crampy trying to maintain your posture for so long. The meals were excellent!! I appreciated the high-quality food and having it catered seems to make sense in terms of not having too many disruptions in the house. The free come and go style was great!  

I was uber impressed with how close to the schedule you kept. It was right on. You have the retreat down pat and it ran so smoothly and like clockwork. That was impressive. This is all my honest feedback. Although I had a few suggestions, I want to say that I was very impressed with your level of hospitality, as well as high level of products you fed us and used in the house. You focused on quality and I could tell. The yoga building was well appointed and comfortable. It had a very inviting feeling, from the bells on the door, to the cork flooring, and just enough decorating. All your small touches were noticed! Your meditation class work was excellent. I took away new learnings for sure. It really supported a deepening of practice. I super enjoyed your songs and the drumming. That was one of my most favorite parts! It was a unique experience we don’t often get in person, so I feel like it was a real added benefit to the program.

 One last note: while I was there I read “Plant Spirit Medicine” by Eliot Cowan. That was the book I brought because I have been doing a lot of foraging, but it turned out to be a really good supportive accompaniment to your programming. It supported me on my spiritual journey around the grounds. Hopefully, I can attend another program in the future”  😊 - KB