The feed is back from our recent, monthly Ceremonial Purification Weekend, as well as our quarterly Noble Silence Meditation Retreat. “This was an amazing, cleansing reset for me,” reported Ms. Melissa. “Thank you for this powerfully transformative spiritual weekend. I look forward to traveling out for other retreats in the future.” Mrs Melissa and husband Randy concurred: “Thank you for this amazing spiritual reset. The property and house were a beautiful experience in themselves. For all those who pass through this place, I wish you the most love and blessings. We are all One and all connected, and our raised energies through unconditional love for all can change the world. God bless all — we love you!” Love you, too.

On that note, the curriculum for our upcoming Spiritual Development Class with the mighty John Ashbrook has arrived and we’re looking forward to class and another extended, transformative weekend retreat, with spots still open for registration. Spiritual Development Class 1101 will include: 1. 21st Century Principles 2.Five Stages of Love 3. Measuring One’s Spiritual Growth 4. Three Critical Laws 5. Self-Esteem and Peace along with 6. The Triangle of Balance and 7. interestingly, The Source of All Pain. Whatever could it be and how might we begin to irradiate suffering from our human psyches through permanent purifications in consciousness? Find out next weekend, along with meditation class and practice, yin yoga, great fare, and another extraordinary weekend of practice at The Higher Haven. Remember, too, for this special weekend, if you’re not able to make the entire retreat, you can join us for the Sunday afternoon class only. Either way, we look forward to seeing you ~ Toksha.