We’re gearing up for our Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreat next weekend, beginning Friday evening, September 30th and ending the afternoon of Sunday October 30th, with a few spots still open for anyone wanting to jump on The Peace Train. This weekend retreat has gained serious momentum and is currently our leading transformational offering, not up and open again until the Winter of 2023, and so we hope you’ll consider joining us on this journey. Since its founding in the Summer of 2020, the reports from attendees have been off the charts, both in elevating and clarifying people’s personal meditation practices, while providing emotional healing, all the way up to the Spring NSMR of this past June 2022. In between is a short record of hope, health, and healing, from the warm reports of our winter count The Winter 2022 NMSR, back to the Fall Harvest of 2021, the great Sioux gathering that can occur during the summer months like it did in late July at our Summer NSMR of 2021, back to the 2021 Winter NSMR and full circle to The Fall NSMR of 2020, when we again first gained traction with dedicated retreaters coming together to support one another in sitting and silence. That’s a bit of information and we hope some testimonials that will answer some of the recent questions regarding the power of our practices and current offerings, and we hope will inspire you to also pay us a visit. Until then, Toksha.