Giving of Yourself

Giving of Yourself

“ …The weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new glorious morn Fall on your knees O’ hear the Angels' Voices… ”

“ …The weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new glorious morn Fall on your knees O’ hear the Angels' Voices… ”

Once again we find ourselves in the midst of the season of giving. The feeling of giving is so wonderful, it imparts us with a sense of goodness and strength and caring like nothing else in life. The beauty of this is that we can always give more and feel even better! There are so many ways to give. Giving is a way to show our love. We give patience and support, love and protection, advice and guidance, we do favors for others and help them to succeed, we give gifts and financial security. The ways in which one can indulge themselves in the fantastic art of giving are infinite, but there is a form of giving that is so empowering, so awesome, fulfilling and wholesome it simply outshines everything else. It is too often overlooked in its simplicity yet know one would deny its profundity. All forms of giving represent it in one way or another, and in its purest aspects it is nothing short of spiritual magic.

Over the years many people have told me of the great pride they take in their capacity to give, but at times they had felt drained and even lonely, a kind of emptiness had cast a pall over their lives and they were perplexed by this because they felt that they were good people and did not expect their willingness to give would leave them in such a state. Some of these people were unwilling to open themselves up to receiving and this accounted for for their predicament, but what the others who seemed to have a balance of giving and receiving in their lives? Why were they feeling less than satisfied and even empty in some cases? I always asked these people the same question: Do you give of yourself? Many have told me they weren’t sure what I meant of the question. What does it mean to give of yourself?

Giving of yourself in its purest & most rewarding form is the sincere sharing of your God-given individuality with another person. There is nothing more loving & more giving than looking into the infinite depths of your soul, discovering the incredible beauty that resides there and then deliberately and enthusiastically expressing it into the world. This requires real courage & the trusting faith to risk giving to life. Of course there is the danger of rejection, but all rejection is ultimately self-rejection. If you reject the still, small voice that urges you to reach out and express your special beauty then it is you who rejects you. This self-reflection will cause you to attract others who do the very same thing — reject their own inner urgings to reach out. They reject their own beauty so the are bound to reject yours. The less you reject your natural & right feelings to give of yourself in some small but genuine way, the less you will find yourself rejected by others and even if it does occur it will not bother you because the rejection is not within you; it is not yours. Your willingness to reach out and reveal your inner beauty to another human being is the highest and most honest form of giving. When people engage each other in this truly loving dynamic, mutual growth & total fulfillment is guaranteed.

Positive self-esteem always comes from reaching out, giving what you can freely in the moment, without resistance. Perhaps it is only a sincere smile and a kind word, but it is powerful, because it is real, and it will grow. It will never drain you. You will never feel empty or lonely because you are listening to your own feelings, not ignoring them and therefore you will not be ignored. Your inner state of love and harmony is reflected into the world and you will attract the same to you. You’ll find yourself surrounded by the love you feel inside, by others who also live in a state of connectedness. Giving of yourself is an evolving dynamic, so be patient with yourself as you develop your willingness to share your inner beauty with others. This patient attitude fosters a loosening of the tightness within your soul. Little by little you will discover more and more of your infinite personal beauty and find the confidence to express it freely, openly, honestly. This dynamic perpetuates itself and eventually dissolves all the fears and erroneous, distorted beliefs that have held hostage the magnificent beauty of your own divine reality. You show your beauty and others reveal theirs. There is nothing more interesting and inspiring than a person who continually expresses their inner beauty. Genuine giving of yourself never requires a reason or occasion, it simply occurs naturally; flowing unencumbered from within.

This generosity of spirit touches deeply and delights those who receive it and gently coaxes them to reciprocate. They can’t resist its honesty. If you really believe in and want to see the inherent beauty and goodness in everyone, start by believing in your own. Display it everyday, in every way you can conceive of. You don’t have to force it out; instead let its gentle persuasive power flow out from within. Over time, the gift of simply sharing your inner beauty with someone has a more tangible, precious, and lasting effect than any earthly treasure. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

Hey Ya! (Shake It Shake It Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture)

Hey Ya! (Shake It Shake It Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture)

Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Alright

Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Alright

I didn’t anticipate posting on this recent event however, when I reflect on the Light Behind everyone one of these Oyates (people), their insides beaming out, they’re willingness to do what it takes to not just say Namaste but actually exude it, I’m inspired to share. The reason we’re clearly feelin’ this Way is because of The Way - The Way of The Contrary Workshop we all circled up for at Yoga Life studio in St. Joseph, Michigan on Friday night. Here’s how it works: we formed a mini-power community, we called on The Powers That Be, we engaged with a very effective mindfulness technique, and we experienced a taste of purification. That had us going heading home a couple hours later a little lighter, a little happier, and a little more empowered to face the next thing life throws our way. Folks can speak of Oneness all day long, but until you have a direct experience of the peace that passes understanding, it’s all talk. Self-talk. Maya, illusion, hungry ghosting, attachment, neurosis, anxiety, depression, etc. Every single Spiritual Path on our planet has a word for it: what the Christians call The Prayer of Quiet or Recollection, the Taoist’s call Showee, the Buddhists Samadhi, Islam Dhikr, Judaism Kavanah (“intention, sincere feeling, direction of the heart”), and those good old red-blooded Native warriors from the Badlands USA - Wicozani – The Inner Life, the Good Life. 

Editing this picture, I found it funny that it kinda says it all:  Auto? Pretty Much. Brilliance? Clearly. Highlights? There were. Shadows? Eh, some as there always are. Brightness? Vibrance? Warmth? Sharpness and Noise Reduction? Check. This Workshop is going on the road in 2020, as I believe I’ll be back at Yoga Life in March for an Equinox Event we’re working up — and when I say we I mean Yoga Life’s Queen Bee Brooke Margherone, friend, founder and leader of a standout yoga community and fellow force of nature. And then the hope is to expand the Spring Tour with dates in Chicago, Detroit, South Bend and St. Louis. If you’re a studio, company, or any organization that has members, clients, or employees — basically human beings — who would like to learn how to take possession of their lives in a new way, all in order to achieve a deeper sense of health, happiness and fulfillment, by all means, please be in touch. From there the broad highway circles back around to The Higher Haven for all of those wishing for an even richer, deeper Taste. Until then, Peace (Shalom, Salam, Hòa Bìhn).

Our Ongoing Spiritual Development Classes and Upcoming Retreats

The Higher Haven’s Dynamic Duo - John Ashbrook to the Left, PaulTootalian to the Right.

The Higher Haven’s Dynamic Duo - John Ashbrook to the Left, PaulTootalian to the Right.

We enjoyed my teacher John Ashbrook’s quarterly Spiritual Development class in the Detroit area this past weekend. “Class 1259 is a Spiritual Event” reads the invitation, “a gathering designed for those who are dedicated to furthering their personal growth and life fulfillment.” A few of the top discussion topics were Emotions and Health, Possibilities of Balance, Distortions Preventing Love, and Power – Easy or Hard? John being the Master Numerologist he is, this Holiday gathering always devotes a portion of class time and engages our collective intellects as to the ramifications of the coming new year.

Regarding 2020, the number 2 is the number of direction, holding divine and difficult possibilities for all of humanity this coming year, including you and me. John being a pretty creative cat and very fond of pointing out the greater spiritual significance of everything we see in life, he referenced the symbolism of the great Detroit Lions’ former star running back Barry Sanders, #20. “He wasn’t the most skilled player, but he slithered through the backfield, as no one could change direction faster”. The zeros harken to the “all or nothing nature – the extremes” of these numbers. And 2 + 0 + 2 +0 = 4, an indicator with a negative pull of potentially keeping something the same forever as well as the positive influence of building a new foundation for a higher level of development. 

 Our love for the Motor City and ever-hopeful regard for the Lions considered, John offers incredible insight into current earthly events along with the simplicity of spiritual solutions. As the vibrational energy of our world continues to rise, the chaos, fear-driven, former fractured approach will give way to a more positive, faith-filled trust in the benevolent, natural and right causes that govern life. And depending on your own relationship with those forces, will always lead you to a more positive place. Regarding radiant health and deep healing, we discussed how medicine’s ability to alleviate outward indicators and simply move energy around always falls short of getting down to the generator and root causes of physical symptoms.

 We discussed the implications of being Woke, the discretionary nature of when to apply force and when to employ patience, and the mark of authentic greatness, taking one beyond their deepest fears in order to be transformed into the most beautiful, wise and loving force. If any of the aforementioned sounds of interest, look for a monthly excerpt of John’s writings and teachings in this space, consider attending our next class in March of 2020, or make plans to meet John for an extended weekend of learning and practice here at The Higher Haven’s next Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat weekends of May 29th-31st and June 26th-28th with more information and registration available by year-end.