The Segue From Our Fall 2022 Retreats And Ceremonies Into 2023

The Segue From Our Fall 2022 Retreats And Ceremonies Into 2023

Winter’s brutal majesty blew in this weekend, socking us proper, with today’s early a.m. additional pow keeping the home fires burning, the hiss of our wood stove signaling the serene season’s arrival. We enjoyed a powerful November Ceremonial Overnight, with warm fires and teas employed, the cooking of the Chaga above being one of several preparatory rituals performed prior. Are you familiar with Chaga (nonotus obliquus) the parasitic that grows on birch trees, known to be a powerful, medicinal, burnt charcoal-like fungus loaded with antioxidants? If not, you may have to pay us a visit for the final Ceremony and retreat of the Fall season , sip some healing tea, and take in the story of how Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian writer and Soviet dissident, discovered its extraordinary curative properties. That’s just one of several accounts enjoyed by our recent crew, who reported “An amazing experience, having come with no expectations of what it would be like, but then being blown away, enjoying every part of it, and hoping to come back in a heartbeat.” That heartbeat being Ours — One Heart, One Mind, One Voice, One Chanupa — Matakuye O’yasin!

Before November’s gales, however, there was October, when the trees are stripped bare of all they wear, what do I care, October, and kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall but You go on and on… as did our Fall retreats, including a visit from Master Teacher John Ashbrook. “I recently attended the Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat at The Higher Haven,” shared Kelley M., “And it was just what I needed to reboot and refuel.  I decided to attend this meditation/yoga/plus retreat after having surgery. I believe that our healing needs to be addressed holistically, so the weekend provided the mindfulness and stress reduction that I needed. The accommodations were beautiful and comfortable, the property was amazing, and I also loved the chance meeting of the people who joined the retreat for the weekend. Something wonderful happens when we can break away from our normal environment and allow ourselves to embrace a place of healing with people who are there to do the same.” So True. John will be back in the Spring of 2023, along with his Kundalini yoga teacher sidekick Kimmy P., the weekend of May 21st, with registration soon open.

Among many encouraging developments this year was the strengthening and solidifying of our rad, rotating community, with several students returning for repeat visits. Here’s Erika on her attendance at both the Spring and Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreats. “There is a lot of pressure in my life to be everyone’s everything. The Noble Silence Mediation Retreats provide me with a haven to exist without the heavy expectations of having to do, fix, and solve for others. The space to explore the beauty in life free from expectation has brought me back to The Higher Haven. Each retreat is a unique personal journey that leaves me feeling refreshed, relaxed, and hopeful. Thank you Paul, thank you Higher Haven for providing me the resources to be my true self, and the ability to return to the things in life that truly matter” Thank you Erika. We Love you TP (!), and hope to see you and anyone who shares a similar mindset at our Winter Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend from Friday March 3rd to Sunday March 5th, kicking off a stellar 2023 retreat season.

Between now and then, we’re also happily offering one more go at our monthly Meditation and Mindfulness 101 class this coming Saturday, November 19th, with overnight accommodations available, for some some serious, pre-Holiday centering. More soon on our new 2023 offerings as well as the tried and true, before we take some time to rest, retreat and renew. Until then, Toksha

Our Upcoming Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat Weekend + Sunday Talk

Our Upcoming Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat Weekend + Sunday Talk

The feed is back from our recent, monthly Ceremonial Purification Weekend, as well as our quarterly Noble Silence Meditation Retreat. “This was an amazing, cleansing reset for me,” reported Ms. Melissa. “Thank you for this powerfully transformative spiritual weekend. I look forward to traveling out for other retreats in the future.” Mrs Melissa and husband Randy concurred: “Thank you for this amazing spiritual reset. The property and house were a beautiful experience in themselves. For all those who pass through this place, I wish you the most love and blessings. We are all One and all connected, and our raised energies through unconditional love for all can change the world. God bless all — we love you!” Love you, too.

On that note, the curriculum for our upcoming Spiritual Development Class with the mighty John Ashbrook has arrived and we’re looking forward to class and another extended, transformative weekend retreat, with spots still open for registration. Spiritual Development Class 1101 will include: 1. 21st Century Principles 2.Five Stages of Love 3. Measuring One’s Spiritual Growth 4. Three Critical Laws 5. Self-Esteem and Peace along with 6. The Triangle of Balance and 7. interestingly, The Source of All Pain. Whatever could it be and how might we begin to irradiate suffering from our human psyches through permanent purifications in consciousness? Find out next weekend, along with meditation class and practice, yin yoga, great fare, and another extraordinary weekend of practice at The Higher Haven. Remember, too, for this special weekend, if you’re not able to make the entire retreat, you can join us for the Sunday afternoon class only. Either way, we look forward to seeing you ~ Toksha.

Our Fall 2022 Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend

Our Fall 2022 Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend

We’re gearing up for our Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreat next weekend, beginning Friday evening, September 30th and ending the afternoon of Sunday October 30th, with a few spots still open for anyone wanting to jump on The Peace Train. This weekend retreat has gained serious momentum and is currently our leading transformational offering, not up and open again until the Winter of 2023, and so we hope you’ll consider joining us on this journey. Since its founding in the Summer of 2020, the reports from attendees have been off the charts, both in elevating and clarifying people’s personal meditation practices, while providing emotional healing, all the way up to the Spring NSMR of this past June 2022. In between is a short record of hope, health, and healing, from the warm reports of our winter count The Winter 2022 NMSR, back to the Fall Harvest of 2021, the great Sioux gathering that can occur during the summer months like it did in late July at our Summer NSMR of 2021, back to the 2021 Winter NSMR and full circle to The Fall NSMR of 2020, when we again first gained traction with dedicated retreaters coming together to support one another in sitting and silence. That’s a bit of information and we hope some testimonials that will answer some of the recent questions regarding the power of our practices and current offerings, and we hope will inspire you to also pay us a visit. Until then, Toksha.