Our Upcoming Classes and Retreats

Our Upcoming Classes and Retreats

We are a sanctified, world-class retreat center set apart in the bucolic heart of Midwest America. But for folks who haven’t yet found the time for a full retreat visit, we offer standout classes that convey a lot of valuable lessons and learning in one short afternoon. In fact, early Fall is a wonderful time to visit the South Haven, Southwest Michigan area, when the blueberries are bursting, the weather cools, and the visiting crowds thin. “Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach, I feel it in the air, the summers out of reach. Empty lake, empty streets, the sun goes down alone. I’m drivin’ by your house, though I know you’re not home. But I can see you…” Love that line, and I heard that Tom Petty regrettably passed on The Boys of Summer, the tune being written by his Heartbreakers’ guitarist Mike Campbell then recorded by Don Henley and released in Fall 1984.

Be like Don and not like Tom and don’t let an equally amazing rock and roll opportunity slide on by, when you could visit The Higher Haven in the next few weeks or months for an mere afternoon or weekend of life-changing learning. This is a shot above of our Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class from July that we took part in again mid September. It’s an excellent class that covers the different forms of our world’s spiritual practices, how thought presents itself as a process, and defines meditation as a series of internal skills easily developed with systematic practice. We then touch upon each of those skills — concentration, relaxation, insights into the nature of reality and unconditional love — and dive into meditations that better develop them. The next Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class happens Saturday, November 4th. And for those ready to take on a life-changing weekend of fostering inner stillness, there’s still time and space to join our Fall Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend, running from spooky Friday eve, October 13th through the 15th’s Sunday afternoon.

The Feedback On Our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend

The Feedback On Our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat Weekend

Our Summer Noble Silence Meditation Retreat (NSMR) came to a beautiful close at the start of August, as participants abided in deep stillness and nature for days, then transitioned back into the everyday world by taking part in a traditional talking circle. We’ve practiced laying down this retreat’s steady, rhythmic pace for a few years now, and with great confidence offer sharpened tools for building a solid, mindful meditation practice to anyone willing to pick them up and do the work. This quarterly foray into a few days of sitting and walking practice coupled with our Meditation + Mindfulness 101 class is a great getaway from everyday trivialities, but also an effective way to stretch beyond one’s own limited identity and get under the surface of life for an extended period of time.

While we’re on the subject, what is life? According to Chief Crow Foot (Isapo-Muxika), as well as The Higher Haven’s official t-shirt (now a sought after collector’s item) “It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset,” For those interested in attuning themselves more to the affirmation and negation of the world in every passing moment, leading one in time to a deep sense of primordial, inner peace, come take part in the next Fall NMSR, or join us for our signature Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat with Master Teacher John Ashbrook the weekend of September 29th — October 1st. We’ll have John’s itinerary for his Spiritual Development Class 1102, focusing on creating more spiritually-based relationships, posted next week. For now, let’s turn it over for Kerri’s take on her recent Silent Meditation Retreat experience, and talk again soon.

“Thanks again for a lovely weekend and the follow up link to the Dharma talk. I had several a-ha moments, although I dislike that term, it kind of fits. Breakthrough could be another word, although that feels heavy. Realization is a good one. My experience spiritually was one of a deepening of my practice. I had a breakthrough at one point in the last sit. Thanks for leading us so I could have such a unique experience and breakthrough so I know what can be possible again in the future. There were many other less significant, but fun experiences I had while at Higher Haven. I really enjoyed all of the artwork and tokens I found around the grounds. The tree with ornaments in the woods, to the metal mask on the tree in the drive, etc. The nature trails were beautifully groomed. I was especially impressed by the lengthy boardwalk. That must have taken a lot of time to clear and construct.

Re: the program itself, I really enjoyed toggling back and forth between sits and walks. I meditate often, but don’t often go past a half hour. Breaking it up with walks was nice to allow for time to stay in a liminal space, yet not get too tired or crampy trying to maintain your posture for so long. The meals were excellent!! I appreciated the high-quality food and having it catered seems to make sense in terms of not having too many disruptions in the house. The free come and go style was great!  

I was uber impressed with how close to the schedule you kept. It was right on. You have the retreat down pat and it ran so smoothly and like clockwork. That was impressive. This is all my honest feedback. Although I had a few suggestions, I want to say that I was very impressed with your level of hospitality, as well as high level of products you fed us and used in the house. You focused on quality and I could tell. The yoga building was well appointed and comfortable. It had a very inviting feeling, from the bells on the door, to the cork flooring, and just enough decorating. All your small touches were noticed! Your meditation class work was excellent. I took away new learnings for sure. It really supported a deepening of practice. I super enjoyed your songs and the drumming. That was one of my most favorite parts! It was a unique experience we don’t often get in person, so I feel like it was a real added benefit to the program.

 One last note: while I was there I read “Plant Spirit Medicine” by Eliot Cowan. That was the book I brought because I have been doing a lot of foraging, but it turned out to be a really good supportive accompaniment to your programming. It supported me on my spiritual journey around the grounds. Hopefully, I can attend another program in the future”  😊 - KB

Our New Wetlands Walkway and July Way of The Contrary Weekend

Our New Wetlands Walkway and July Way of The Contrary Weekend

If you’ve ever visited The Higher Haven, you know we’ve dug deep into our property as well as ourselves over the last 3,196 days, from Halloween night of October 31, 2014, the first night we slept on the land, to today, August 1, 2023. Over ten years, we transitioned from our former life as an advertising copywriter to turning twenty acres in Southwestern Michigan, USA, Earth into one of our world’s most powerful places for personal healing. For almost a decade now wow, we transformed ten acres of northern deciduous forest into the Massasauga Wooded Trail, an old auto body shop into a one-of-a-kind indoor/outdoor yoga studio/meditation zendo, and renovated a 19th century farmhouse into a cozy, Sante Fe style modern retreat lodge. The remaining five acres of vibrantly pristine, seasonally saturated Midwest wetlands remained fairly inaccessible. Welcome the new Wetlands Walkway, a winding wood path taking visitors from the backwoods to the banks of the middle branch of the Black River, South Haven’s main waterway emptying into Lake Michigan seven miles West. That’s my sweet grrl Rosalita aka RoZie AKC: The Higher Haven’s Rose above pounding the boards after our daily, morning walk, Sit! (wink wink) and swim in the Black.

It’s a cool new addition to an already incredible mix of offerings, helping us to better walk our absence of talk during silent retreats and serene afternoons in nature, before circling up for Ceremony. As my teacher the mighty Shinzen Young says, just experiencing the simplified, natural environment of a retreat can be incredibly healing. Add a little spiritual purification work and our everyday ordinary miseries can be converted into extraordinary states of happiness. We’re all working on it. Or at least visitors to The Higher Haven are.

On that note, Pilamaye, Wopila Tanka (great thanks) to first-time visitor Jesse Kane for his following feedback. I gave some thought to whether I wanted to publicly share the latter part of Jesse’s testimonial. While deeply appreciating the spirit of what Jesse expresses below, I’m not much of personal horn tooter; when I start to consider myself some great Spiritual Healer, it just doesn’t feel right. I try and regard myself as just another bozo on the bus, a lucky wasichu or white person to receive the teachings of the Head Bozo, the real scary, real deal Heyoka clown and his Wicasa Wakan Medicine Man teacher who welcomed me into Ceremony in 1999, although it appeared to me like 1879, Rosebud, South Dakota, USA, pointing a crooked finger to the crooked, contrarian road that would become my spiritual walk and ongoing awakening.

Cut to my teacher the venerable John Ashbrook — who will be here for our Fall Comprehensive Spiritual Development Retreat delivering the next class in his series on Developing a True Spiritual Life with a focus on male and female relationships — who’s fond of reminding me that everyone has their path to walk in life, as every great spiritual teacher that has ever lived has had their own problems to work through. Here, we offer the rarest of rare opportunities to work them through Ceremonially. Thanks again to Jesse for his kind words below. We look forward to your visit and being of one heart and one mind with you soon.

“Coming into the weekend I did not know what to expect. My mind wanted details: a picture of the bed I was staying in, an exact itinerary, food menu, pictures of the property etc. Not having these was an exercise in itself. As soon as I pulled into the property and saw the beauty there, my mind was at ease. Paul (and Rosie the dog) were there to great me with a big smile and a warm heart (and a large delicious sandwich). I immediately felt like family. As the other participants arrived, that family grew. The guest house was large and comfortable, a well stocked kitchen, comfortable beds, nice bathrooms. There is plenty of time in the schedule to rest, explore the property, or mingle with others. I want to emphasize that this isn’t wasted time. Simply unplugging from the stress and hustle of life, being in nature, and being around interesting people is Medicine.

I took walk into the woods on the property and within minutes was surrounded by nothing but nature as far as I could see. A few steps later and I arrived at a small river where a couple other participants were sitting for a mediation they noticed me and welcomed me in. Afterwards a few of us went for a swim in the river! This was the theme of the weekend - joy, peace, serenity, community. I am not going to go into detail on the inipi (sweat lodge) because I think the magic is in the unknown and the vulnerability it brings. But it was powerful, very well led, and Paul makes sure everyone feels safe.

I do want to say a few things about Paul. There are many who, in Paul's position, would put themselves on a pedestal. The experience, the mentors, the training that he has is enough to afford anyone an inflated ego. But Paul somehow remains humble. He stands next to you, shoulder to shoulder sharing what he has learned, while honoring his teachers, their traditions and their teachings. I have much gratitude for him and what he is doing. It was a beautiful weekend and I would strongly recommend it to anyone on a spiritual path. I have a feeling I'll be back many times to Higher Haven - hope to see you there.” One Heart! - JK